

  • Time of issue:2021-04-26

Keep walking for thousands of miles, dreams can finally come true

(Summary description)Time flies and becomes more peaceful. After handing in the "Resumption of Work + Epidemic Prevention" win-win answer sheet, we ushered in the "May 1st" International Labor Day in a bright spring.

Keep walking for thousands of miles, dreams can finally come true

(Summary description)Time flies and becomes more peaceful. After handing in the "Resumption of Work + Epidemic Prevention" win-win answer sheet, we ushered in the "May 1st" International Labor Day in a bright spring.

  • Categories:Chairman Message
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  • Time of issue:2021-04-26 09:06
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  Time flies and becomes more peaceful. After handing in the "Resumption of Work + Epidemic Prevention" win-win answer sheet, we ushered in the "May 1st" International Labor Day in a bright spring. On this occasion, on behalf of Huaye Group, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to the workers and strugglers who are fighting in the front line of Huaye, and extend my holiday greetings, and wish everyone peace and happiness, and a happy family.
  Happiness comes from struggle
  Labor and struggle are the source of happiness for creating a better life. "Happiness is the result of struggle", this sentence reveals the basic path of creating a better life in the new era. Great companies are also made by struggling. Labor reminds me of tea pickers who wear stars and moons, hard-working tea pickers, meticulous research and development personnel in the laboratory who focus on data testing, sewage treatment workers who are not afraid of dirty and tired, and real estate and hydropower engineers who do not have time to go to work and serve the owners. The day is rising, the sunset is resting, the cleaners for many years, the cultural workers who create at the desk and watch the night alone…… sweat is turning into a poem in the thick soil, and dreams are rising bravely in the sky. With the most beautiful working figure, Huaye people portray the beautiful picture of Huaye's 2020 journey. They have gathered the Huaye people's "love and dedication, striving for the first-class, hard work, innovation, indifferent to fame and fortune, willing to contribute" the spirit of model workers. This is the precious spiritual wealth of Huaye Group, and it is also our strong spiritual kinetic energy based on the new era, seizing new opportunities, innovating new thinking, and demonstrating new deeds.


  Use practical actions to highlight the style of the times
Since the beginning of this year, the Group has faced opportunities and challenges, orientated the rudder, drawn a blueprint, focused on the overall development pattern, integrated industrial resources, promoted continuous innovation in various projects, made solid steps in high-quality development, and continuously enhanced the leading role of regional industrial upgrading: Shandong Huaye Surface Technology Ecological Demonstration Park has been under construction; real estate sales have stabilized and are full of vitality; the tea industry sector has begun to pick up the park, the Internet of Things construction and government-enterprise cooperation, etc. are in full swing; fresh blood of talents continues to surge, and the majority of employees are based on their jobs Working hard, dedication, dedication, hard work and dedication, actively participate in the various constructions of Huaye Group, with practical actions to demonstrate the pioneering and self-improvement of Huaye people in the era. Here, I would like to say to the workers and their families: You have worked hard!
   The heaven and the earth are in harmony, and all things are beautiful. New opportunities are bursting out, new challenges are emerging, and the journey is undaunted and long. Recently, I have visited Jiangsu Jianhu, Haimen, Nantong, Kunshan and other places, and I have more clearly perceived the new markets, new opportunities and new spaces for the innovation and development of the group's various industries. Rushing forward and advancing bravely, time does not wait. Huaye Group is actively embracing the market, integrating resources, and welcoming industrial changes with unprecedented openness.


  Forge ahead and show off new deeds
  The big river does not stop running towards the sea due to mountain obstacles. In the face of many opportunities and changes, we must maintain strategic determination, bravely rise to the forefront, lead innovation, always maintain the majestic appearance of "mid-stream hitting the water and contain the flying boat", and maintain the unremitting spirit of "always on the road"," The dedication spirit of always striving & rdquo; and the responsibility of & ldquo; always on your shoulders & rdquo; stimulate & ldquo; set the goal and not relax, continue to innovate and improve the urgency, dare to think and dare to act, dare to act, dare to innovate, welcome Difficulties, forge ahead, show new deeds, re-innovate performance, and continue to compose the song of the laborers of the new era.
  Labor is the fundamental driving force for the progress of human society, and history is ultimately written by laborers. I firmly believe that if the years live up to the struggle, happiness will eventually be rewarded. If you walk for thousands of miles, your dream will finally come true. Finally, once again pay tribute to the hardworking devotees of Huaye Group! I wish you all good health, smooth work and happy holidays!

Chairman Message

Keep walking for thousands of miles, dreams can finally come true 2021-04-26
Time flies and becomes more peaceful. After handing in the "Resumption of Work + Epidemic Prevention" win-win answer sheet, we ushered in the "May 1st" International Labor Day in a bright spring.
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