


  • Time of issue:2021-04-28

Huaye Group organizes watching the movie "My Motherland and Me"

(Summary description)We celebrated the 70th birthday of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

Huaye Group organizes watching the movie "My Motherland and Me"

(Summary description)We celebrated the 70th birthday of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.

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  • Time of issue:2021-04-28 18:13
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  Me and my motherland
  Cannot be divided for a moment
  Wherever I go
  All out a hymn
  In the loud singing,
  We celebrated the 70th birthday of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.
  70 years of trials and hardships, 70 years of indomitable progress;
  70 years of magnificent waves, 70 years of long winds and waves.
  Aftertaste the magnificent and magnificent years
  At this moment, we have dreams in our hearts and we are grateful for the times.
On the occasion of the country’s grand celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and the National Day celebrations, the group’s theme essays and photo competitions to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China were carried out for innovation, enriching the cultural life of employees, inspiring their sense of responsibility, mission and patriotism, and enhancing their entrepreneurship. The enthusiasm of the group, on September 30, the group specially organized its employees to watch the patriotic film "My Motherland and Me" in the studio.


  The movie "My Motherland and Me" is one of the head film projects launched by the National Film Bureau in 2019. Based on reality, it focuses on the ordinary and great Chinese people. From the true feelings of the "personal", it recalls the common memories of the group , To reproduce the growth process of every ordinary person.


  "My Motherland and Me" was jointly created by director Chen Kaige, chief producer Huang Jianxin, and directors Chen Kaige, Zhang Yibai, Guan Hu, Xue Xiaolu, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, and Wen Muye. Film directors, actors, and behind-the-scenes creators jointly formed the "Chinese Film Dream Team" to trace the historical moments of the 70 years since the founding of New China and the memories of the whole people, presenting the seven classic moments behind the founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago. The ordinary people are the same as the motherland. The moving story of breathing and shared destiny, an unexpected and small theme film, subverts the public's perception of traditional gift films.
In the movie, Huang Bo tried his best to climb the flagpole of Tiananmen Square, Wang Tianchen blew the trumpet, Tong Liya turned into a Chinese female pilot, Zhang Jiayi sighed, Zhang Yi looked back at the flying red flag and extra-large newspapers, Wang Qianyuan in military uniform saluted solemnly, Howe proudly held the flagpole, Liu Tao explored in front of the banner of "Unite to Revitalize China". Liu Haoran and Chen Feiyu looked into the distance with longing eyes, Du Jiang raised the national flag with firm eyes, and Song Jia stepped down from the fighter plane. "Motherland" uses 7 small characters and 7 fragments to review the glorious history of 70 years of New China, witness the great era with small characters, and witness the bright moments of the motherland.
  A big country and a small home, the memory of the whole people, the torrent of history, the rush of emotions, touch people's hearts.
  This time, the concentrated viewing of the film received a strong response. In the process of watching the film, everyone was in high spirits. Some female colleagues even burst into tears because of the excitement. All of them felt excited and proud. Everyone praised the 70-year glorious history and outstanding achievements of the motherland, and silently offered the best blessings to the motherland in the bottom of my heart. Let's listen to their feelings!
  As written in the lyrics, my motherland and I are actually like the sea and the waves. The waves are the child of the sea, and the sea is the support of the waves. May the sea of ​​the motherland never dry up, give every Chinese person blue waves and clear waves, and sing a happy life in my heart.

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